Virtual Runtheberg
10 July, 2020 @ 08:00 - 2 August, 2020 @ 23:30
South Africa and the world remain in the grip of COVID-19 with global Lockdowns ebbing and flowing. With movement restricted and sporting events prohibited most of us can not go to the mountains, so we’re bringing the mountains to you! South Africa’s first virtual Mountain running race where your climbing skills are recognised! And rewarded! Where your Net Vertical Ascent is as important if not more important than your Time Over Distance! Some people run far, some people run fast, and some people climb like mountain goats. Virtual Runtheberg challenges all 3!
Virtual Runtheberg consists of two primary events which are based on the stats of the physical Runtheberg mountain race. To complete and compete in the Virtual Runtheberg Extreme, you need to achieve a MINIMUM of 50km of distance AND 2400m of net vertical ascent within the allotted time, and the complete and compete in the Virtual Runtheberg Challenge, you need to achieve a MINIMUM of 32km of distance and 1140m of net vertical ascent.
Each event will consist of three distinct race categories:
Results in this category will be measured as a traditional assessment of distance over time. The winner will be the fastest recorded time to complete the required distance AND net vertical ascent.
Results in this category will be measured as distance over elevation. Each Runtheberg event has an elevation ratio. The Extreme elevation ratio is 4.8% (2400m/50km) and the Challenge elevation ratio is 3.6% (1140m/32km). Subject to maintaining a MINIMUM of the relevant Elevation Ratio, the winner in this category will be the longest recorded distance. By way of example, a participant competing in this category in the Extreme event and wanting to cover 300km would need to achieve 14400m of net vertical ascent (4.8%).
Results in this category will be measured as elevation over distance. Subject to achieving a MINIMUM of the required distance, the winner will be the steepest elevation ratio. By way of example a participant competing in this category in the Extreme event recording 50km of distance and 5000m of ascent (10% Elevation Ratio) will beat a participant recording 100km of distance and 7000m of ascent (7% Elevation Ratio).
- The distances and climbs are cumulative and do not have to be done all in one go.
- Runs may be recorded on any recognised GPS device or app that measures time, distance and elevation.
- Certain activities will not be accepted due to highly variable GPS data and potential for substantial inaccuracy, and no mechanical exercise equipment is permitted. If in doubt please confirm with the Race Organisers in advance.
- All activities must be outside.
- All records must be submitted to the Race Organisers at the end of the race. Activities in the running for prizes will require that the full track is available for analysis in GPX format or similar and are subject to verification.
- Participants wishing to have their activities considered for prizes must select a Category in which to compete by the latest 7 full days before the race ends and must notify the Race Organisers in writing thereof. Only one Category may be selected for competition purposes.
- The race start is on entry, and the race will end at midnight on Sunday night 2 August 2020.
- Race Organisers’ decisions are final
Virtual Runtheberg is groundbreakingly GENDER NEUTRAL! Two of the three Competition Categories do not provide for the usual advantages in strength and speed that (largely) male runners have over female runners. As such Virtual Runtheberg will not apply Gender Categories and all prizes will be awarded on an OVERALL basis. We are expecting to see some interesting results.
Virtual Runtheberg Extreme – Category 1
Winner: 2-night weekend for 2 at Sungubala Eco Lodge and 2 Full Entries to Runtheberg
Runner-up: 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
3rd Place: 50% off 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
Virtual Runtheberg Extreme – Category 2
Winner: 2-night weekend for 2 at The Cavern Drakensberg Resort & Spa and 2 Full Entries to Runtheberg
Runner-up: 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
3rd Place: 50% off 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
Virtual Runtheberg Extreme – Category 3
Winner: 2-night weekend for 2 at Montusi Mountain Lodge and 2 Full Entries to Runtheberg
Runner-up: 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
3rd Place: 50% off 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
Virtual Runtheberg Challenge – Category 1
Winner: 2-night weekend for 2 at Sungubala Eco Lodge and 2 Full Entries to Runtheberg
Runner-up: 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
3rd Place: 50% off 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
Virtual Runtheberg Challenge – Category 2
Winner: 2-night weekend for 2 at The Cavern Drakensberg Resort & Spa and 2 Full Entries to Runtheberg
Runner-up: 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
3rd Place: 50% off 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
Virtual Runtheberg Challenge – Category 3
Winner: 2-night weekend for 2 at Montusi Mountain Lodge and 2 Full Entries to Runtheberg
Runner-up: 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
3rd Place: 50% off 1 Full Entry to Runtheberg
- Prizes are not transferrable and not refundable for cash value.
- Accommodation prizes exclude use over Peak Periods and / or Runtheberg race weekends.
- Race Entry prizes may be used for either Runtheberg 2020 OR Runtheberg 2021. In the event of the prize winner electing to use their prize for Runtheberg 2020 and it is cancelled or postponed due to the coronavirus, the prize is automatically valid for Runtheberg 2021.
The Race Entry Fee for both races and all categories is R200. This includes a superior quality Virtual Runtheberg Medal and postal delivery to your selected address anywhere in South Africa. There is an option for courier delivery of your medals at an additional cost of R100. Race Entry Fees are not refundable. No substitutions are allowed.